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双语新闻:媒体报告称,三星停止生产Note 7

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-10-11


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年10月11日了解到:News agencies reported Samsung had temporarily halted production after talks with safety regulators.


Samsung told the BBC it was "adjusting the production schedule to ensure quality and safety matters".


The company has been forced to issue new models of the smartphone following complaints of faulty batteries.


It issued a recall of the Galaxy Note 7 in September and later assured customers that the fixed devices were safe.

九月,它召回Galaxy Note 7,随后确认,修理好的手机是安全的。

But there have now been several reports of replacement phones starting to emit smoke.


In a further blow, two US mobile networks have stopped replacing or selling the phone.


The AT&T and T-Mobile networks said they would no longer replace the devices in the US, while the latter said it would halt all sales of the phone.


While Samsung investigates multiple reports of issues, T-Mobile is temporarily suspending all sales of the new Note 7 and exchanges for replacement Note 7 devices, T-Mobile said on its website.

T-Mobile在网站上说:“尽管三星正在就此次事件调查多份报告,但是T-Mobile短期内全线停止售卖新的Note 7,Note 7更换也停止。”

Meanwhile, AT&T said: "We’re no longer exchanging new Note 7s at this time, pending further investigation of these reported incidents." It advised customers to exchange them for other devices.

与此同时,AT&T说:“我们目前不再更换新的Note 7,在此期间,等待关于报告事件的进一步调。”AT&T建议消费者更换其他手机。

Samsung said in a statement last month that the issue of overheating was caused by a "rare" manufacturing error that resulted in the battery’s "anode-to-cathode [negative and positive electrodes]" coming into contact.


But last week, a domestic flight in the US was evacuated after a replacement Note 7 started emitting smoke in the cabin. And a man in Kentucky reportedly woke up to a bedroom full of smoke from a replaced Note 7.

但是上周,美国国内一家飞机的机舱内,替换的Note 7手机开始冒烟,乘客被疏散。肯塔基州的一名男子说,早上从家中醒来,房间充斥着替换的Note 7手机冒出的烟。

In an update on Monday, Samsung said it understood the concerns of carriers and consumers about the newly released replacement Note 7 devices.

在周一的更新中,三星称,它明白运营商和顾客对新发布的Note 7替代装置的担心。

We continue to move quickly to investigate the reported case to determine the cause and will share findings as soon as possible, Samsung said.


"If we conclude a product safety issue exists, we will work with the CPSC (US Consumer Product Safety Commission) to take immediate steps to address the situation."


Shares in Samsung Electronics closed down 1.5% in Seoul.

来源:BBC 新闻



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