
中英对照 - 船舶电气专业英语
青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司整理发布 2015-9-12
a faired set of lines | 经过光顺处理的一套型线 |
a stereo pair of photographs | 一对立体投影相片 |
abaft | 朝向船体 |
abandonment cost | 船舶废置成本费用 |
accommodation | 居住铺位(舱室) |
accommodation ladder | 舷梯 |
adjust valve | 调节阀 |
adjustable-pitch | 可调螺距式 |
admiralty | 海军部 |
advance coefficient | 进速系数 |
aerostatic | 空气静力学的 |
aft peak bulkhead | 艉尖舱壁 |
aft peak tank | 艉尖舱 |
aileron | 副鳍 |
air cushion vehicle | 气垫船 |
air diffuser | 空气扩散器 |
air intake | 进气口 |
aircraft carrier | 航空母舰 |
air-driven water pump | 气动水泵 |
airfoil | 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵 |
alignment chock | 组装校准用垫楔 |
aluminum alloy structure | 铝合金结构 |
American Bureau of Shipping | 美国船级社 |
amidships | 舯 |
amphibious | 两栖的 |
anchor arm | 锚臂 |
anchor chain | 锚链 |
anchor crown | 锚冠 |
anchor fluke | 锚爪 |
anchor mouth | 锚唇 |
anchor recess | 锚穴 |
anchor shackle | 锚卸扣 |
anchor stock | 锚杆 |
angle bar | 角钢 |
angle of attack | 攻角 |
angle plate | 角板 |
angled deck | 斜角甲板 |
anticipated loads encountered at sea | 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷 |
anti-pitching fins | 减纵摇鳍 |
antiroll fins | 减摇鳍 |
anti-rolling tank | 减摇水舱 |
appendage | 附体 |
artisan | 技工 |
assembly line | 装配流水线 |
at-sea replenishment | 海上补给 |
augment of resistance | 阻力增额 |
auxiliary systems | 辅机系统 |
auxiliary tank | 调节水舱 |
axial advance | 轴向进速 |
backing structure | 垫衬结构 |
back-up member | 焊接垫板 |
balance weight | 平衡锤 |
ball bearing | 滚珠轴承 |
ball valve | 球阀 |
ballast tank | 压载水舱 |
bar | 型材 |
bar keel | 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨 |
barge | 驳船 |
baseline | 基线 |
basic design | 基本设计 |
batten | 压条,板条 |
beam | 船宽,梁 |
beam bracket | 横梁肘板 |
bed-plate girder | 基座纵桁 |
bending-moment curves | 弯矩曲线 |
Benoulli’s law | 伯努利定律 |
berth term | 停泊期 |
bevel | 折角 |
bidder | 投标人 |
bilge | 舭,舱底 |
bilge bracket | 舭肘板 |
bilge radius | 舭半径 |
bilge sounding pipe | 舭部边舱水深探管 |
bitt | 单柱系缆桩 |
blade root | 叶跟 |
blade section | 叶元剖面 |
blast | 喷丸 |
block coefficient | 方形系数 |
blue peter | 出航旗 |
boarding deck | 登艇甲板 |
boat davit | 吊艇架 |
boat fall | 吊艇索 |
boat guy | 稳艇索 |
bobstay | 首斜尾拉索 |
body plan | 横剖面图 |
bolt | 螺栓,上螺栓固定 |
Bonjean curve | 邦戎曲线 |
boom | 吊杆 |
boss | 螺旋桨轴榖 |
bottom side girder | 旁底桁 |
bottom side tank | 底边舱 |
bottom transverse | 底列板 |
boundary layer | 边界层 |
bow line | 前体纵剖线 |
bow wave | 艏波 |
bowsprit | 艏斜桅 |
bow-thruster | 艏侧推器 |
box girder | 箱桁 |
bracket floor | 框架肋板 |
brake | 制动装置 |
brake band | 制动带 |
brake crank arm | 制动曲柄 |
brake drum | 刹车卷筒 |
brake hydraulic cylinder | 制动液压缸 |
brake hydraulic pipe | 刹车液压管 |
breadth extreme | 最大宽,计算宽度 |
breadth moulded | 型宽 |
breakbulk | 件杂货 |
breasthook | 艏肘板 |
bridge | 桥楼,驾驶台 |
bridge console stand | 驾驶室集中操作台 |
BSRA | 英国船舶研究协会 |
buckle | 屈曲 |
buffer spring | 缓冲弹簧 |
built-up plate section | 组合型材 |
bulb plate | 球头扁钢 |
bulbous bow | 球状船艏,球鼻首 |
bulk carrier | 散货船 |
bulk oil carrier | 散装油轮 |
bulkhead | 舱壁 |
bulwark | 舷墙 |
bulwark plate | 舷墙板 |
bulwark stay | 舷墙支撑 |
buoy tender | 航标船 |
buoyant | 浮力的 |
buoyant box | 浮箱 |
Bureau Veritas | 法国船级社 |
butt weld | 对缝焊接 |
butterfly screw cap | 蝶形螺帽 |
buttock | 后体纵剖线 |
by convention | 按照惯例,按约定 |
cable ship | 布缆船 |
cable winch | 钢索绞车 |
CAD(computer-aided design) | 计算机辅助设计 |
CAM(computer-aided manufacturing) | 计算机辅助制造 |
CAE(computer-aided engineering) | 计算机辅助工程 |
camber | 梁拱 |
cant beam | 斜横梁 |
cant frame | 斜肋骨 |
cantilever beam | 悬臂梁 |
capacity plan | 舱容图 |
CAPP(computer –aided process planning) | 计算机辅助施工计划制定 |
capsize | 倾覆 |
capsizing moment | 倾覆力臂 |
captain | 船长 |
captured-air-bubble vehicle | 束缚气泡减阻船 |
cargo cubic | 货舱舱容,载货容积 |
cargo handling | 货物装卸 |
carriage | 拖车,拖架 |
cast steel stem post | 铸钢艏柱 |
catamaran | 高速双体船 |
catamaran | 双体的 |
cavitation | 空泡 |
cavitation number | 空泡数 |
cavitation tunnel | 空泡水筒 |
center keelson | 中内龙骨 |
centerline bulkhead | 中纵舱壁 |
centroid | 型心,重心,质心,矩心 |
chain cable stopper | 制链器 |
chart | 海图 |
charterer | 租船人 |
chief engineer | 轮机长 |
chine | 舭,舷,脊 |
chock | 导览钳 |
CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) | 计算机集成组合制造 |
circulation theory | 环流理论 |
classification society | 船级社 |
cleat | 系缆扣 |
clipper bow | 飞剪型船首 |
clutch | 离合器 |
coastal cargo | 沿海客货轮 |
cofferdam | 防撞舱壁 |
combined cast and rolled stem | 混合型艏柱 |
commercial ship | 营利用船 |
commissary spaces | 补给库舱室,粮食库 |
common carrier | 通用运输船 |
commuter | 交通船 |
compartment | 舱室 |
compass | 罗经 |
concept design | 概念设计 |
connecting tank | 连接水柜 |
constant-pitch propeller | 定螺距螺旋桨 |
constraint condition | 约束条件 |
container | 集装箱 |
containerized | 集装箱化 |
contract design | 合同设计 |
contra-rotating propellers | 对转桨 |
controllable-pitch | 可控螺距式 |
corrosion | 锈蚀,腐蚀 |
couple | 力矩,力偶 |
crane | 克令吊,起重机 |
crank | 曲柄 |
crest (of wave) | 波峰 |
crew quarters | 船员居住舱 |
criterion | 判据,准则 |
Critical Path Method | 关键路径法 |
cross-channel automobile ferries | 横越海峡车客渡轮 |
cross-sectional area | 横剖面面积 |
crow’s nest | 桅杆瞭望台 |
cruiser stern | 巡洋舰尾 |
crussing range | 航程 |
cup and ball joint | 球窝关节 |
curvature | 曲率 |
curves of form | 各船形曲线 |
cushion of air | 气垫 |
damage stability | 破损稳性 |
damper | 缓冲器 |
damping | 阻尼 |
davit arm | 吊臂 |
deadweight | 总载重量 |
de-ballast | 卸除压载 |
deck line at side | 甲板边线 |
deck longitudinal | 甲板纵骨 |
deck stringer | 甲板边板 |
deck transverse | 强横梁 |
deckhouse | 舱面室,甲板室 |
deep v hull | 深v型船体 |
delivery | 交船 |
depth | 船深 |
derrick | 起重机,吊杆 |
design margin | 设计余量 |
design spiral | 设计螺旋循环方式 |
destroyer | 驱逐舰 |
detachable shackle | 散合式连接卸扣 |
detail design | 详细设计 |
diagonal stiffener | 斜置加强筋 |
diagram | 图,原理图,设计图 |
diesel engine | 柴油机 |
dimensionless ratio | 无量纲比值 |
displacement | 排水量 |
displacement type vessel | 排水型船 |
distributed load | 分布载荷 |
division | 站,划分,分隔 |
do work | 做功 |
dock | 泊靠 |
double hook | 山字钩 |
double iteration procedure | 双重迭代法 |
double roller chock | 双滚轮式导览钳 |
double-acting steam cylinder | 双向作用的蒸汽气缸 |
down halyard | 降帆索 |
draft | 吃水 |
drag | 阻力,拖拽力 |
drainage | 排水 |
draught | 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力 |
dredge | 挖泥船 |
drift | 漂移,偏航 |
drilling rig | 钻架 |
drillship | 钻井船 |
drive shaft | 驱动器轴 |
driving gear box | 传动齿轮箱 |
driving shaft system | 传动轴系 |
dry dock | 干船坞 |
ducted propeller | 导管螺旋桨 |
dynamic supported craft | 动力支撑型船舶 |
dynamometer | 测力计,功率计 |
e.h.p | 有效马力 |
eccentric wheel | 偏心轮 |
echo-sounder | 回声探深仪 |
eddy | 漩涡 |
eddy-making resistance | 漩涡阻力 |
efficiency | 供给能力,供给量 |
electrohydraulic | 电动液压的 |
electroplater | 电镀工 |
elevations | 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔 |
empirical formula | 经验公式 |
enclosed fabrication shop | 封闭式装配车间 |
enclosed lifeboat | 封闭式救生艇 |
end open link | 末端链环 |
end shackle | 末端卸扣 |
endurance | 续航力 |
endurance | 续航力,全功率工作时间 |
engine room frame | 机舱肋骨 |
engine room hatch end beam | 机舱口端梁 |
ensign staff | 船尾旗杆 |
entrance | 进流段 |
erection | 装配,安装 |
exhaust valve | 排气阀 |
expanded bracket | 延伸肘板 |
expansion joint | 伸缩接头 |
extrapolate | 外插 |
fair | 光顺 |
faised floor | 升高肋板 |
fan | 鼓风机 |
fatigue | 疲劳 |
feasibility study | 可行性研究 |
feathering blade | 顺流变距桨叶 |
fender | 护舷 |
ferry | 渡轮,渡运航线 |
fillet weld connection | 贴角焊连接 |
fin angle feedback set | 鳍角反馈装置 |
fine fast ship | 纤细高速船 |
fine form | 瘦长船型 |
finite element | 有限元 |
fire tube boiler | 水火管锅炉 |
fixed-pitch | 固定螺距式 |
flange | 突边,法兰盘 |
flanking rudders | 侧翼舵 |
flap-type rudder | 襟翼舵 |
flare | 外飘,外张 |
flat of keel | 平板龙骨 |
fleets of vessels | 船队 |
flexural | 挠曲的 |
floating crane | 起重船 |
floodable length curve | 可进长度曲线 |
flow of materials | 物流 |
flow pattern | 流型,流线谱 |
flush deck vessel | 平甲板型船 |
flying bridge | 游艇驾驶台 |
flying jib | 艏三角帆 |
folding batch cover | 折叠式舱口盖 |
folding retractable fin stabilizer | 折叠收放式减摇鳍 |
following edge | 随边 |
following ship | 后续船 |
foot brake | 脚踏刹车 |
fore peak | 艏尖舱 |
forged steel stem | 锻钢艏柱 |
forging | 锻件,锻造 |
forward draft mark | 船首水尺 |
forward/afer perpendicular | 艏艉柱 |
forward/after shoulder | 前/后肩 |
foundry casting | 翻砂铸造 |
frame | 船肋骨,框架,桁架 |
freeboard | 干舷 |
freeboard deck | 干舷甲板 |
freight rate | 运费率 |
fresh water loadline | 淡水载重线 |
frictional resistance | 摩擦阻力 |
Froude number | 傅汝德数 |
fuel/water supply vessel | 油水供给船 |
full form | 丰满船型 |
full scale | 全尺度 |
fullness | 丰满度 |
funnel | 烟囱 |
furnishings | 内装修 |
gaff | 纵帆斜桁 |
gaff foresail | 前桅主帆 |
gangway | 舷梯 |
gantt chart | 甘特图 |
gasketed openings | 装以密封垫的开口 |
general arrangement | 总布置 |
general cargo ship | 杂货船 |
generatrix | 母线 |
geometrically similar form | 外形相似船型 |
girder | 桁梁,桁架 |
girder of foundation | 基座纵桁 |
governmental authorities | 政府当局,管理机构 |
gradient | 梯度 |
graving dock | 槽式船坞 |
Green Book | 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船 |
gross ton | 长吨(1.016公吨) |
group technology | 成祖建造技术 |
GT | 成组建造技术 |
guided-missile cruiser | 导弹巡洋舰 |
gunwale | 船舷上缘 |
gunwale angle | 舷边角钢 |
gunwale rounded thick strake | 舷边圆弧厚板 |
guyline | 定位索 |
gypsy | 链轮 |
gyro-pilot steering indicator | 自动操舵操纵台 |
gyroscope | 回转仪 |
half breadth plan | 半宽图 |
half depth girder | 半深纵骨 |
half rounded flat plate | 半圆扁钢 |
hard chine | 尖舭 |
hatch beam sockets | 舱口梁座 |
hatch coaming | 舱口围板 |
hatch cover | 舱口盖 |
hatch cover | 舱口盖板 |
hatch cover rack | 舱口盖板隔架 |
hatch side cantilever | 舱口悬臂梁 |
hawse pipe | 锚链桶 |
hawsehole | 锚链孔 |
heave | 垂荡 |
heel | 横倾 |
heel piece | 艉柱根 |
helicoidal | 螺旋面的,螺旋状的 |
hinge | 铰链 |
hinged stern door | 艉部吊门 |
HMS | 英国皇家海军舰艇 |
hog | 中拱 |
hold | 船舱 |
homogeneous cylinder | 均质柱状体 |
hopper barge | 倾卸驳 |
horizontal stiffener | 水平扶强材 |
hub | 桨毂,轴毂,套筒 |
hull form | 船型,船体外形 |
hull girder stress | 船体桁应力 |
HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) | 取暖,通风与冷却 |
hydraulic mechanism | 液压机构 |
hydrodynamic | 水动力学的 |
hydrofoil | 水翼 |
hydrostatic | 水静力的 |
IAGG(interactive computer graphics) | 交互式计算机图像技术 |
icebreaker | 破冰船 |
IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) | 国际海事质询组织 |
immerse | 浸水,浸没 |
impact load | 冲击载荷 |
imperial unit | 英制单位 |
in strake | 内列板 |
inboard profile | 纵剖面图 |
incremental plasticity | 增量塑性 |
independent tank | 独立舱柜 |
initial stability at small angle of inclination | 小倾角初稳性 |
inland waterways vessel | 内河船 |
inner bottom | 内底 |
in-plane load | 面内载荷 |
intact stability | 完整稳性 |
intercostals | 肋间的,加强的 |
International Association of Classification Society (IACS) | 国际船级社联合会 |
International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) | 国际船模试验水池会议 |
intersection | 交点,交*,横断(切) |
inventory control | 存货管理 |
iterative process | 迭代过程 |
jack | 船首旗 千斤顶 |
joinery | 细木工 |
keel | 龙骨 |
kenter shackle | 双半式连接链环 |
Kristen-Boeing propeller | 正摆线推进器 |
landing craft | 登陆艇 |
launch | 发射,下水 汽艇 |
launching equipment | (向水中)投放设备 |
LCC | 大型原油轮 |
leading edge | 导缘,导边 |
ledge | 副梁材 |
length overall | 总长 |
leveler | 调平器,矫平机 |
life saving appliance | 救生设备 |
lifebuoy | 救生圈 |
lifejacket | 救生衣 |
lift fan | 升力风扇 |
lift offsets | 量取型值 |
light load draft | 空载吃水 |
lightening hole | 减轻孔 |
light-ship | 空船 |
limbers board | 舭部污水道顶板 |
liner trade | 定期班轮营运业 |
lines | 型线 |
lines plan | 型线图 |
Linnean hierarchical taxonomy | 林式等级式分类学 |
liquefied gas carrier | 液化气运输船 |
liquefied natural gas carrier | 液化天然气船 |
liquefied petroleum gas carrier | 液化石油气船 |
liquid bulk cargo carrier | 液体散货船 |
liquid chemical tanker | 液体化学品船 |
list | 倾斜 |
living and utility spaces | 居住与公用舱室 |
Lloyd’s Register of shipping | 劳埃德船级社 |
Lloyd’s Rules | 劳埃德规范 |
Load Line Convention | 载重线公约 |
load line regulations | 载重线公约,规范 |
load waterplane | 载重水线面 |
loft floor | 放样台 |
longitudinal (transverse) | 纵(横)稳心高 |
longitudinal bending | 纵总弯曲 |
longitudinal strength | 纵总强度 |
longitudinally framed system | 纵骨架式结构 |
luffing winch | 变幅绞车 |
machinery vendor | 机械(主机)卖方 |
magnet gantry | 磁力式龙门吊 |
maiden voyage | 处女航 |
main impeller | 主推叶轮 |
main shafting | 主轴系 |
major ship | 大型船舶 |
maneuverability | 操纵性 |
manhole | 人孔 |
margin plate | 边板 |
maritime | 海事的,海运的,靠海的 |
mark disk of speed adjusting | 速度调整标度盘 |
mast | 桅杆 |
mast clutch | 桅座 |
matrix | 矩阵 |
merchant ship | 商船 |
Merchant Shipbuilding Return | 商船建造统计表 |
metacenter | 稳心 |
metacentric height | 稳心高 |
metal plate path | 金属板电镀槽 |
metal worker | 金属工 |
metric unit | 公制单位 |
middle line plane | 中线面 |
midship section | 舯横剖面 |
midship section coefficient | 中横剖面系数 |
ML | 物资清单,物料表 |
model tank | 船模试验水池 |
monitoring desk of main engine operation | 主机操作监视台 |
monitoring screen of screw working condition | 螺旋桨运转监视屏 |
more shape to the shell | 船壳板的形状复杂 |
mould loft | 放样间 |
multihull vessel | 多体船 |
multi-purpose carrier | 多用途船 |
multi-ship program | 多种船型建造规划 |
mushroom ventilator | 蘑菇形通风桶 |
mutually exclusive attribute | 相互排它性的属性 |
N/C | 数值控制 |
nautical mile | 海里 |
naval architecture | 造船学 |
navigation area | 航区 |
navigation deck | 航海甲板 |
near-universal gear | 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 |
net-load curve | 静载荷曲线 |
neutral axis | 中性轴,中和轴 |
neutral equilibrium | 中性平衡 |
non-retractable fin stabilizer | 非可伸缩性尾翼 |
normal | 法向的,正交的 |
normal operating condition | 常规运作状况 |
nose cone | 螺旋桨整流帽 |
notch | 开槽,开凹口 |
oar | 橹,桨 |
oblique bitts | 斜式双柱系缆桩 |
ocean going ship | 远洋船 |
off-center loading | 偏离中心的装载 |
offsets | 型值 |
offshore drilling | 离岸钻井 |
offshore structure | 离岸工程结构物 |
oil filler | 加油点 |
oil skimmer | 浮油回收船 |
oil-rig | 钻油架 |
on-deck girder | 甲板上桁架 |
open water | 敞水 |
optimality criterion | 最优性准则 |
ore carrier | 矿砂船 |
orthogonal | 矩形的 |
orthogonal | 正交的 |
out strake | 外列板 |
outboard motor | 舷外机 |
outboard profile | 侧视图 |
outer jib | 外首帆 |
outfit | 舾装 |
outfitter | 舾装工 |
outrigger | 舷外吊杆*头 |
overall stability | 总体稳性 |
overhang | 外悬 |
paddle | 桨 |
paddle-wheel-propelled | 明轮推进的 |
Panama Canal | 巴拿马运河 |
panting beam | 强胸横梁 |
panting stringer | 抗拍击纵材 |
parallel middle body | 平行中体 |
partial bulkhead | 局部舱壁 |
payload | 有效载荷 |
perpendicular | 柱,垂直的,正交的 |
photogrammetry | 投影照相测量法 |
pile driving barge | 打桩船 |
pillar | 支柱 |
pin jig | 限位胎架 |
pintle | 销,枢轴 |
pipe fitter | 管装工 |
pipe laying barge | 铺管驳船 |
piston | 活塞 |
pitch | 螺距 |
pitch | 纵摇 |
plan views | 设计图 |
planning hull | 滑行船体 |
Plimsoll line | 普林索尔载重线 |
polar-exploration craft | 极地考察船 |
poop | 尾楼 |
port | 左舷 |
port call | 沿途到港停靠 |
positive righting moment | 正扶正力矩 |
power and lighting system | 动力与照明系统 |
precept | 技术规则 |
preliminary design | 初步设计 |
pressure coaming | 阻力式舱口防水挡板 |
principal dimensions | 主尺度 |
Program Evaluation and Review Technique | 技术评估书 |
progressive flooding | 累进进水 |
project | 探照灯 |
propeller shaft bracket | 尾轴架 |
PVC foamed plastic | PVC泡沫塑料 |
quadrant | 舵柄 |
quality assurance | 质量保证 |
quarter | 居住区 |
quarter pillar | 舱内侧梁柱 |
quartering sea | 尾斜浪 |
quasi-steady wave | 准定长波 |
quay | 码头,停泊所 |
quotation | 报价单 |
racking | 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形 |
radiography | X射线探伤 |
rake | 倾斜 |
raked bow | 前倾式船首 |
raster | 光栅 |
refrigerated cargo ship | 冷藏货物运输船 |
Register | (船舶)登录簿,船名录 |
Registo Italiano Navade | 意大利船级社 |
regulating knob of fuel pressure | 燃油压力调节钮 |
reserve buoyancy | 储备浮力 |
residuary resistance | 剩余阻力 |
resultant | 合力 |
reverse frame | 内底横骨 |
Reynolds number | 雷诺数 |
right-handed propeller | 右旋进桨 |
righting arm | 扶正力臂,恢复力臂 |
rigid side walls | 刚性侧壁 |
rise of floor | 底升 |
riverine warfare vessel | 内河舰艇 |
rivet | 铆接,铆钉 |
roll | 横摇 |
roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) | 滚装 |
rotary screw propeller | 回转式螺旋推进器 |
rounded gunwale | 修圆的舷边 |
rounded sheer strake | 圆弧舷板 |
rubber tile | 橡皮瓦 |
rudder | 舵 |
rudder bearing | 舵承 |
rudder blade | 舵叶 |
rudder control rod | 操舵杆 |
rudder gudgeon | 舵钮 |
rudder pintle | 舵销 |
rudder post | 舵柱 |
rudder spindle | 舵轴 |
rudder stock | 舵杆 |
rudder trunk | 舵杆围井 |
run | 去流段 |
sag | 中垂 |
salvage lifting vessel | 救捞船 |
scale | 缩尺,尺度 |
schedule coordination | 生产规程协调 |
schedule reviews | 施工生产进度审核 |
screen bulkhead | 轻型舱壁 |
Sea keeping performance | 耐波性能 |
sea spectra | 海浪谱 |
sea state | 海况 |
seakeeping | 适航性 |
seasickness | 晕船 |
seaworthness | 适航性 |
seaworthness | 适航性 |
section moulus | 剖面模数 |
sectiongs | 剖面,横剖面 |
self-induced | 自身诱导的 |
self-propulsion | 自航 |
semi-balanced rudder | 半平衡舵 |
semi-submersible drilling rig | 半潜式钻井架 |
shaft bossing | 轴榖 |
shaft bracket | 轴支架 |
shear | 剪切,剪力 |
shear buckling | 剪切性屈曲 |
shear curve | 剪力曲线 |
sheer | 舷弧 |
sheer aft | 艉舷弧 |
sheer drawing | 剖面图 |
sheer forward | 艏舷弧 |
sheer plane | 纵剖面 |
sheer profile | 总剖线 |
sheer profile | 纵剖图 |
shell plating | 船壳板 |
ship fitter | 船舶装配工 |
ship hydrodynamics | 船舶水动力学 |
shipway | 船台 |
shipyard | 船厂 |
shrouded screw | 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨 |
side frame | 舷边肋骨 |
side keelson | 旁内龙骨 |
side plate | 舷侧外板 |
side stringer | 甲板边板 |
single-cylinder engine | 单缸引擎 |
sinkage | 升沉 |
six degrees of freedom | 六自由度 |
skin friction | 表面摩擦力 |
skirt | (气垫船)围裙 |
slamming | 砰击 |
sleeve | 套管,套筒,套环 |
slewing hydraulic motor | 回转液压马达 |
slice | 一部分,薄片 |
sloping shipway | 有坡度船台 |
sloping top plate of bottom side tank | 底边舱斜顶板 |
slopint bottom plate of topside tank | 定边舱斜底板 |
soft chine | 圆舭 |
sonar | 声纳 |
spade rudder | 悬挂舵 |
spectacle frame | 眼睛型骨架 |
speed-to-length ratio | 速长比 |
sponson deck | 舷伸甲板 |
springing | 颤振 |
stability | 稳性 |
stable equilibrium | 稳定平衡 |
starboard | 右舷 |
static equilibrium | 静平衡 |
steamer | 汽轮船 |
steering gear | 操纵装置,舵机 |
stem | 船艏 |
stem contour | 艏柱型线 |
stern | 船艉 |
stern barrel | 尾拖网滚筒 |
stern counter | 尾突体 |
stern ramp | 尾滑道,尾跳板 |
stern transom plate | 尾封板 |
stern wave | 艉波 |
stiffen | 加劲,加强 |
stiffener | 扶强材,加劲杆 |
straddle | 跨立,外包式叶片 |
strain | 应变 |
strake | 船体列板 |
streamline | 流线 |
streamlined casing | 流线型套管 |
strength curves | 强度曲线 |
strength deck | 强力甲板 |
stress concentration | 应力集中 |
structural instability | 结构不稳定性 |
strut | 支柱,支撑构型 |
subassembly | 分部装配 |
subdivision | 分舱 |
submerged nozzle | 浸没式喷口 |
submersible | 潜期 |
suction back of a blade | 桨叶片抽吸叶背 |
Suez Canal tonnage | 苏伊士运河吨位限制 |
summer load water line | 夏季载重水线 |
superintendent | 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任 |
superstructure | 上层建筑 |
Supervision of the Society’s surveyor | 船级社验船师的监造书 |
supper cavitating propeller | 超空泡螺旋桨 |
surface nozzle | 水面式喷口 |
surface piercing | 穿透水面的 |
surface preparation and coating | 表面加工处理与喷涂 |
surge | 纵荡 |
surmount | 顶上覆盖,越过 |
swage plate | 压筋板 |
swash bulkhead | 止荡舱壁 |
SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) | 小水线面双体船 |
sway | 横荡 |
tail-stabilizer anchor | 尾翼式锚 |
talking paper | 讨论文件 |
tangential | 切向的,正切的 |
tangential viscous force | 切向粘性力 |
tanker | 油船 |
tee | T型构件,三通管 |
tender | 交通小艇 |
tensile stress | 拉(张)应力 |
thermal effect | 热效应 |
throttle valve | 节流阀 |
throughput | 物料流量 |
thrust | 推力 |
thruster | 推力器,助推器 |
timber carrier | 木材运输船 |
tip of a blade | 桨叶叶梢 |
tip vortex | 梢涡 |
toed towards amidships | 趾部朝向船舯 |
tonnage | 吨位 |
torpedo | 鱼雷 |
torque | 扭矩 |
trailing edge | 随边 |
transom stern | 方尾 |
transverse bulkhead plating | 横隔舱壁板 |
transverse section | 横剖面 |
transverse stability | 横稳性 |
trawling | 拖网 |
trial | 实船试验 |
trim | 纵倾 |
trim by the stern/bow | 艉艏倾 |
trimaran | 三体的 |
tripping bracket | 防倾肘板 |
trough | 波谷 |
tugboat | 拖船 |
tumble home | (船侧)内倾 |
tunnel wall effect | 水桶壁面效应 |
turnable blade | 可转动式桨叶 |
turnable shrouded screw | 转动导管螺旋桨 |
tweendeck cargo space | 甲板间舱 |
tweendedk frame | 甲板间肋骨 |
two nodded frequency | 双节点频率 |
ULCC | 超级大型原油轮 |
ultrasonic | 超声波的 |
underwriter | (海运)保险商 |
unsymmetrical | 非对称的 |
upright position | 正浮位置 |
vapor pocket | 气化阱 |
ventilation and air conditioning diagram | 通风与空调铺设设计图 |
Venturi section | 文丘里试验段 |
vertical prismatic coefficient | 横剖面系数 |
vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller | 直叶(摆线)推进器 |
vessel component vender | 造船部件销售商 |
viscosity | 粘性 |
VLCC | 巨型原油轮 |
Voith-Schneider propeller | 外摆线直翼式推进器 |
v-section | v型剖面 |
wake current | 伴流,尾流 |
water jet | 喷水(推进)管 |
water plane | 水线面 |
watertight integrity | 水密完整性 |
wave pattern | 波形 |
wave suppressor | 消波器,消波板 |
wave-making resistance | 兴波阻力 |
weather deck | 露天甲板 |
web | 腹板 |
web beam | 强横梁 |
web frame | 腹肋板 |
welder | 焊工 |
wetted surface | 湿表面积 |
winch | 绞车 |
windlass | 起锚机 |
wing shaft | 侧轴 |
wing-keel | 翅龙骨(游艇) |
working allowance | 有效使用修正量 |
worm gear | 蜗轮,蜗杆 |
yacht | 快艇 |
yard issue | 船厂开工任务发布书 |
yards | 帆桁 |
yaw | 首摇 |
Inspection structure integrity and welding seam | 完工后检查结构完整性和焊缝 |
Inspection structure integrity after completing the superstructure. | 上层建筑完后结构完整性检查 |
Checking the joint accuracy and structure integrity | 合拢后大接头装配精确性和结构完整性检查 |
Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after closed. | 上层建筑合拢后结构完整性检查 |
Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on berth. | 货舱口围板船上安装精度检查 |
Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding. | 货舱口围板焊接后焊缝检查 |
Inspection air pressure test(with water head) for No1. ballast water tank(No15 block). | No1压载水舱(No.15分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查 |
Inspection hosing test for upper deck. | 上甲板冲水试验检查 |
Measuring hull’s main dimensions:length overall(LOA.),length between perpendiculars(LPP.),breath molded(B. mld.),depth molded and deflection before launching. | 下水前测量船体主尺度、总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度 |
Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out. | 划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离 |
Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loadline mark). | 吃水标志(载重线标志)安装后精确性检查 |
Inspection dimension of loadline after marking out. | 载重线标志划线后检查尺度 |
Checking rudder after completing(finished). | 舵叶完工后检查 |
Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover. | 货舱舱口盖焊缝和尺度检查 |
Inspection machining dimension of propeller shaft(intermediate shaft or counter shaft). | 螺旋桨轴(中间轴)机加工尺寸检查 |
Check for surface contact area(metallic contact) between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers. | 检查螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨锥度接触面 |
Inspection machining dimension of rudder stock. | 舵杆机加工尺寸检查 |
Inspection rudder carrier after assembly. | 上舵承组装后检查 |
Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle. | 舵销机加工尺寸检查 |
Inspecting alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle. | 舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查 |
Lowering test and tension test of anchor. | 锚投掷试验和拉力试验 |
Measuring dimension of coupling bolts and reamer hole. | 轴系连接螺栓和孔尺寸测量 |
Inspection arrangement correctness of aluminium Anodes. | 防蚀板布置正确性检查 |
Inspection installation correctness of ship’s name plate(funnel mark). | 船名牌(烟囱标志)安装正确性检查 |
Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover(water tight door and window). | 水密小舱口盖(水密门、窗)启闭灵活性检查 |
Tightness test(opening and closing test,emergency opening and closing test)for cargo hatch cover. | 货舱舱口盖密性试验(启闭试验、应急启闭试验) |
Inspecting anchor throwing away appliance. | 弃锚装置检查 |
Inspecting centerline positioning for shaft system and rudder system before boring. | 轴、舵系镗孔前中心线定位检查 |
Optical aligned check for shaft system after boring. | 轴系镗孔后光学校中检查 |
Hydraulic test for L.O. pipe for stern tube. | 艉轴管滑油液压试验 |
Measuring diameter of fore and aft stern tube bearing and bushes. | 艉轴管前、后轴承与衬套直径测量 |
Inspection push-up load for fore and aft stern tube bushes. | 艉轴管前、后衬套压入检查 |
Measuring clearance between propeller shaft & bearing. | 螺旋桨轴与轴承间隙测量 |
Inspection wet fitting the propeller. | 螺旋桨压入检查 |
Fitting and tightness testing of propeller shaft before launching(after sea trial). | 艉轴密性装置的安装与密性试验 |
Flushing L.O.system of stern tube. | 艉轴管滑油系统的投油清洗 |
Inspecting zero(datum) position of rudder blade. | 舵叶0位检查 |
Inspecting integrity and flexibility of rudder appliance. | 舵装置完整性与轻便性检查 |
Measuring clearance of rudder jumping stopper. | 舵止跳块的间隙测量 |
Inspecting integrity of steering gear. | 操舵装置完整性检查 |
Measuring installation clearance of rudder bearing. | 舵轴承安装间隙测量 |
Flushing of piping system for steering gear. | 舵机管路系统的投油清洗 |
Mooring test of steering gear. | 舵机系泊试验 |
Manoeuving test of steering gear during sea trial. | 舵机航行中操舵试验 |
Emergency manoeuving test of steering gear. | 舵机应急操舵试验 |
Flushing of piping system for windlass. | 锚机管路系统的投油清洗 |
Installation and alignment inspection of windlass. | 锚机安装与校中检查 |
Mooring test of windlass. | 锚机系泊试验 |
Anchoring and weighting test of windlass on sea trial. | 锚机航行中抛起锚试验 |
Inspection integrity of mooring winch. | 绞缆机完整性检查 |
Flushing of piping system for mooring winch. | 绞缆机管路系统的投油清洗 |
Mooring test of mooring winch. | 绞缆机系泊试验 |
Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear(windlass、mooring winch). | 舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整 |
Running test and hoisting test for 4t provision crane. | 4吨食物吊运转试验和吊重试验 |
Lowering and hoisting test for life boat. | 救生艇收放试验 |
Sea trial for life boat. | 救生艇航行试验 |
Loading test of accommodation ladder(pilot ladder). | 舷梯(引水员梯)压重试验 |
Lowering and hoisting test of accommodation ladder(pilot ladder). | 舷梯(引水员梯)和绞车收放试验 |
Opening and closing test for cargo hatch cover. | 货舱舱口盖启闭试验 |
Emergency opening and closing test for cargo hatch cover. | 货舱舱口盖应急启闭试验 |
Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover(water tight door and window). | 水密小舱口盖(水密门、窗)启闭灵活性检查和冲水试验 |
Checking liner of main engine(M.E.). | 主机垫片检查 |
Tightening inspection for through bolts of main engine(M.E.). | 主机贯穿螺栓紧固度检查 |
Aligning main engine’s crank shaft and intermediate shaft after launching. | 下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接后校中 |
Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching. | 下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接后校中 |
Measuring deflection of crank shaft of M.E. before starting up(after sea trial). | 主机动车前(航行试验后)曲轴甩档测量 |
Flushing lubrication oil(fuel oil) system of M/E. | 主机滑油(燃油)管路投油清洗 |
Alignment inspection installation of shaft generator and gear box. | 轴带发电机及齿轮箱安装检查 |
Alarm testing and safety device testing of M/E. | 主机报警和安全装置试验 |
Mooring test(sea trial) of M.E.and inspection attached pumps and piping system. | 主机系泊(航行)试验并检查其附属泵与管路 |
Running test of shaft generator and clutching test between M.E. and shaft generator. | 轴带发电机运转试验及主机与轴带发电机之间的离合器的效用试验 |
Change over test between shaft generator and diesel generator on sea trial. | 航行试验中轴带发电机与柴油发电机之间的换车试验 |
Overhauling main engine after sea trial. | 主机航行试验后的拆检 |
Installation inspection of main diesel generator. | 主柴油发电机组安装检查 |
Measuring deflection of crank shaft of main diesel generator before running test(after sea trial). | 主柴油发电机动车前(系泊试验后)曲轴甩档测量 |
Alarm and safety device testing of main diesel generator. | 主柴油发电机的报警和安全装置试验 |
Running test of main diesel generator. | 主柴油发电机运转试验 |
Running test of emergency main diesel generator. | 应急柴油发电机运转试验 |
Safety device testing for emergency diesel generator. | 应急柴油发电机的安全装置试验 |
Charging test and safety valve and automatic device adjusting for main compressor(auxiliary compressor). | 主(辅)空气压缩机的充气试验、安全阀和自动装置的调整 |
Running test and safety valve and safety device adjusting for emergency compressor. | 应急空气压缩机的运转试验、安全阀和安全装置的调整 |
Air tightness test and safety valve adjusting for main air receiver (control air receiver, air horn receiver)on board. | 主空气瓶(控制空气瓶、汽笛空气瓶)装船后气密试验和安全阀的调整 |
Air tightness test for auxiliary boiler (economize boiler) on board. | 辅锅炉(废气锅炉)装船后气密试验 |
Safety valve adjusting and accumulating test for auxiliary boiler. | 辅锅炉安全阀检验及蓄压试验 |
Automatic controller test for auxiliary boiler. | 辅锅炉自动控制装置试验 |
Function test for economizer. | 废气锅炉效用试验 |
Function test and automatic controller test for ballast pump. | 压载泵效用试验和自动控制装置试验 |
Function test of bilge oily water separator (sewage treatment plant, fresh water generator, incinerator). | 舱底水油水分离器(污水处理装置、制淡装置、焚烧炉)效用试验 |
Hoisting test of engine room crane. | 机舱行车吊重试验 |
Running test of machines in repair room. | 机修间设备运转试验 |
radio telephone | 无线电话 |
TV and radio set | 电视机和收音机 |
magnetic compass | 磁罗经 |
electrical impulse | 电脉冲 |
emergency power station | 应急电站 |
loud speak | 扬声器 |
relay contact | 继电器 |
distribution box | 配电板 |
transformer | 变压器 |
fuse | 保险丝 |
buzzer | 蜂鸣器 |
Inspection main cable installation for wheel house before paneling decoration. | 敷板前驾驶室检查主干电缆安装 |
Measuring insulation resistance and reliability test protection device for main switchboard(emergency switchboard). | 总配电板(应急配电板)绝缘电阻测量和保护装置可靠性试验 |
Load and performance test for main generator (emergency generator). | 主发电机(应急发电机)负荷及特性试验 |
Automatic governing test of voltage and frequency for main generator (emergency generator). | 主发电机(应急发电机)电压、频率自动调节试验 |
Parallel-running test for main generator. | 主发电机并联运行试验 |
Diesel generator voltage characteristic test. | 柴油发电机电压特性试验 |
Diesel generator governor sensitivity test. | 柴油发电机调速特性试验 |
Test for taking on a full load suddenly. | 突加负荷试验 |
Reverse power relay trip test. | 逆功率脱扣试验 |
Over-current relay test. | 过电流脱扣试验 |
all-round light | 环照灯 |
signaling light for air | 号笛信号灯 |
anti-collision light | 避碰灯 |
signaling searchlight | 信号探照灯 |
helicopter deck surface flood light | 直升机甲板照明灯 |
anchor light | 锚灯 |
daylight signaling light | 白昼信号灯 |
not under-command light | 失控灯 |
deep draught vessel light | 吃水限制灯 |
restrictedmaneuver light | 操纵限制灯 |
morse signal light | 莫氏信号灯 |
boat deck light,boat embarkation light | 登艇灯 |
marine electric range | 船用电灶 |
whistle and siren control system | 号笛控制装置 |
ship control center | 船舶控制中心 |
bridge remote control | 驾驶室遥控 |
manual override system | 人工越控装置 |
engine room automation | 机舱自动化 |
engineer’s alarm system | 轮机员报警装置 |
watch alarm | 值班报警装置 |
alarm system | 报警系统 |
safety system | 安全系统 |
control system | 控制系统 |
automatic control system for marine electric power plant | 船舶电站自动控制装置 |
automatic parallel operation system for generating set | 发电机组自动并车装置 |
node | 节点 |
navigation | 导航 |
radio navigation | 无线电导航 |
satellite navigation | 卫星导航 |
global positioning system,GPS | 全球定位系统 |
navigation radar | 导航雷达 |
radar for collision avoidance | 避碰雷达 |
equipment for collision avoidance | 避碰装置 |
compass | 罗经 |
magnetic compass | 磁罗经 |
log | 计程仪 |
autopilot | 自动操舵仪 |
reecho depth sound | 回声测深仪 |
transducer | 换能器 |
radio communication | 无线电通信 |
satellite communication | 卫星通信 |
antenna | 天线 |
global maritime distress and safety system ,GMDSS | 全球海上遇险和安全系统 |
NAVTEX receiver | 航行警告和气象预报电传接受机 |
emergency position-indicating radio beacon ,EPIRB | 应急无线电示位标 |
radar transponder | 雷达应答器 |
VHY-radiotelephone | 甚高频无线电话 |
starboard | 右舷 |
port | 左舷 |
abeam | 正横 |
hatch | 舱口 |
cargo hold | 货舱 |
inner bottom plating | 内底板 |
bottom plating | 船底板 |
double bottom | 双底层 |
forcastle deck | 首楼甲板 |
poop deck | 尾楼甲板 |
saloon deck | 上层建筑甲板 |
promenade deck | 起居甲板 |
watrtight transverse bulkhead | 水密横舱壁 |
forepeak tank | 首尖舱 |
afterpeak tank | 尾尖舱 |
engine room | 机舱 |
collision bulkhead | 防撞舱壁 |
flame-proof equipment,explosion proof equipment | 隔爆型电气设备 |
intrinsically safe equipment | 本质安全型电气设备 |
pressurized equipment | 正压型电气设备 |
increased safety equipment | 增安型电气设备 |
earth,ground | 地 |
earthing,grounding | 接地 |
machinery space of category A | A类机器处所 |
hazardous areas | 危险区域 |
hazardous zone 0 | 0类危险区域 |
hazardous zone 1 | 1类危险区域 |
hazardous zone 2 | 2类危险区域 |
non-hazardous areas | 非危险区域 |
primary distribution-system | 一次配电系统 |
secondary distribution system | 二次配电系统 |
final subcircuit | 最后分路 |
duplicate supply,two circuit feeding | 双路供电 |
shipboard power cable | 船用电力电缆 |
shipboard telecommunication cable | 船用通信电缆 |
shipboard pair-twisted telephone cable | 船用对绞式电话电缆 |
shipboard radio-frequency cable | 船用射频电缆 |
shipboard coaxial cable | 船用同轴电缆 |
solid dielectric cable | 实芯绝缘电缆 |
bunched cables | 成束电缆 |
bunched flame retardant cable | 成束阻燃电缆 |
fire resisting cable | 耐火电缆 |
shipboard low smoke toxic-free cable | 船用少烟低毒电缆 |
shielding cable | 屏蔽电缆 |
submersible watertight cable | 深水密封电缆 |
shore connection cable | 岸电电缆 |
main generating set | 主发电机组 |
marine transformer | 船用变压器 |
marine accumulate batteries ,marine storage batteries | 船用蓄电池组 |
main switchboard | 主配电板 |
emergency switchboard | 应急配电板 |
distribution board panel board | 配电箱 |
generator control panel | 电机屏 |
feeder panel | 电屏 |
paralleling panel | 车屏 |
group starter panel | 合起动屏 |
shore connection box | 岸电箱 |
test panel | 电工试验板 |
electric drive system | 电力拖动装置 |
steering gear power unit | 操舵装置动力设备 |
steering gear control system | 操舵装置控制系统 |
electric steering gear | 电动操舵装置 |
engine telegraph logger | 主机传令记录器 |
electric rudder angle indicator | 舵角指示器 |
rudder angle indicator tuansmitter | 舵角发送器 |
rudder angle indicator receiver | 舵角接收器 |
electric propeller shaft revolution indicator receiver | 艉轴转速表 |
sound powered telephone | 声力电话机 |
common battery telephone | 共电式电话机 |
audible and visual alarm | 声光报警器 |
general alarm | 通用报警装置 |
motor siren | 电笛 |
detector for fire alarm system | 火灾报警探测器 |
smoke fire detector | 感烟式火灾探测器 |
heat fire detector ,thermal detector | 感温式火灾探测器 |
gas warning system | 气体报警装置 |
ceiling light | 篷顶灯 |
flame-proof ceiling light,explosion-proof ceiling light | 隔爆篷顶灯 |
increased safety type fuorescent ceiling light | 增安荧光篷顶灯 |
pendant light | 舱顶灯 |
chart table light | 海图灯 |
emergency light | 应急灯 |
ship’s light | 号灯 |
navigation light,running light | 航行灯 |
flashing light for vessel carrying dangerous cargo | 危险货船标志灯 |
flashing light for huge vessel | 大船标志灯 |
steering light | 操舵目标灯 |
Suez canal signaling light | 苏伊士运河探照灯 |
Panama canal signaling light | 巴拿马运河信号灯 |
mast[head] light ,range light | 桅灯 |
side light | 舷灯 |
all-round light | 环照灯 |
maneuvering’s light | 操纵信号灯 |
signaling light for air | 号笛信号灯 |
anti-collision light | 避碰灯 |
signaling searchlight | 信号探照灯 |
helicopter deck surface flood light | 直升机甲板照明灯 |
anchor light | 锚灯 |
daylight signaling light | 白昼信号灯 |
not under-command light | 失控灯 |
deep draught vessel light | 吃水限制灯 |
restrictedmaneuver light | 操纵限制灯 |
Morse signal light | 莫氏信号灯 |
boat deck light,boat embarkation light | 登艇灯 |
marine electric range | 船用电灶 |
whistle and siren control system | 号笛控制装置 |
ship control center | 船舶控制中心 |
bridge remote control | 驾驶室遥控 |
manual override system | 人工越控装置 |
engine room automation | 机舱自动化 |
engineer’s alarm system | 轮机员报警装置 |
watch alarm | 值班报警装置 |
alarm system | 报警系统 |
safety system | 安全系统 |
control system | 控制系统 |
automatic control system for marine electric power plant | 船舶电站自动控制装置 |
automatic parallel operation system for generating set | 发电机组自动并车装置 |
node | 节点 |
navigation | 导航 |
radio navigation | 无线电导航 |
satellite navigation | 卫星导航 |
global positioning system,GPS | 全球定位系统 |
navigation radar | 导航雷达 |
radar for collision avoidance | 避碰雷达 |
equipment for collision avoidance | 避碰装置 |
compass | 罗经 |
magnetic compass | 磁罗经 |
log | 计程仪 |
autopilot | 自动操舵仪 |
reecho depth sound | 回声测深仪 |
transducer | 换能器 |
radio communication | 无线电通信 |
satellite communication | 卫星通信 |
antenna | 天线 |
global maritime distress and safety system ,GMDSS | 全球海上遇险和安全系统 |
NAVTEX receiver | 航行警告和气象预报电传接受机 |
emergency position-indicating radio beacon ,EPIRB | 应急无线电示位标 |
radar transponder | 雷达应答器 |
VHY-radiotelephone | 甚高频无线电话 |
AGC Automatic Generation Control | 自动发电控制 |
AMR Automatic Message Recording | 自动抄表 |
ASS Automatic Synchronized System | 自动准同期装置 |
ATS Automatic Transform System | 厂用电源快速切换装置 |
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator | 自动电压调节器 |
BCS Burner Control System | 燃烧器控制系统 |
BMS Burner Management System | 燃烧器管理系统 |
CCS Coordinated Control System | 协调控制系统 |
CRMS Control Room Management System | 控制室管理系统 |
CRT Cathode Ray Tube | 阴极射线管 |
DAS Data Acquisition System | 数据采集与处理系统 |
DCS Distributed Control System | 分散控制系统 |
DDC Direct Digital Control | 直接数字控制(系统) |
DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control | 数字电液(调节系统) |
DPU Distributed Processing Unit | 分布式处理单元 |
EMS Energy Management System | 能量管理系统 |
ETS Emergency Trip System | 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统 |
EWS Engineering Working Station | 工程师工作站 |
FA Feeder Automation | 馈线自动化 |
FCS Fieldbus Control System | 现场总线控制系统 |
FSS Fuel Safety System | 燃料安全系统 |
FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System | 炉膛安全监控系统 |
GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear | 气体绝缘开关设备 |
GPS Global Position System | 全球定位系统 |
HCS Hierarchical Control System | 分级控制系统 |
LCD Liquid Crystal Display | 液晶显示屏 |
LCP Local Control Panel | 就地控制柜 |
MCC Motor Control Center | (电动机)马达控制中心 |
MCS Modulating Control System | 模拟量控制系统 |
MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System | 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统 |
MIS Management Information System | 管理信息系统 |
NCS Net Control System | 网络监控系统 |
OIS Operator Interface Station | 操作员接口站 |
OMS Outage Management System | 停电管理系统 |
PID Proportion Integration Differentiation | 比例积分微分 |
PIO Process Input Output | 过程输入输出(通道) |
PLC Programmable Logical Controller | 可编程逻辑控制器 |
PSS Power System Stabilizator | 电力系统稳定器 |
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition | 数据采集与监控系统 |
SCC Supervisory Computer Control | 监督控制系统 |
SCS Sequence Control System | 顺序(程序)控制系统 |
SIS Supervisory Information System | 监控信息系统 |
TDCS(TDC) Total Direct Digital Control | 集散控制系统 |
TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation | 汽轮机监测仪表 |
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply | 不间断供电 |