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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-10-16


Cyber tensions rise as US says three big Chinese groups benefited from hacking Three big state-owned Chinese groups benefited from trade secrets stolen in a Chinese military hack on US companies, Washington authorities have concluded, heightening tensions between the countries over cyber espionage. 美国有关部门得出结论,三大中国国有集团受益于中国军方在对美国企业的黑客攻击中窃取的商业秘密。这加剧了两国间围绕网络间谍活动的紧张关系。

People familiar with the 2014 US indictments of five People’s Liberation Army officers named the companies as Chinalco, the biggest aluminium group in China, Baosteel, a large steelmaker, and SNPTC, a nuclear power company. 熟悉美国2014年对五名中国解放军军官提出指控的人士透露,这三家国企分别是中国最大的铝业集团中铝(Chinalco)、大型钢铁企业宝钢(Baosteel),以及中国国家核电技术公司(SNPTC)。

The companies had been unnamed parties in those cases, which accused the Chinese officers of launching cyber attacks, these people said. 上述人士表示,这些公司是指控中国军官发动网络攻击的上述案件中未被点名的当事人。

The Obama administration has threatened to slap sanctions on companies that benefited from such hacks, saying economic cyber espionage was “an act of aggression that has to stop.” 奥巴马政府已威胁要对受益于此类黑客攻击的企业实施制裁,称经济网络间谍活动是“一种必须停止的侵略行为”。

If the US were to include the three companies in cyber sanctions, it would represent a major escalation given their central role in the Chinese economy. 如果美国要把这三家公司列为制裁对象,那将代表事态的重大升级,因为它们在中国经济中扮演核心角色。

Chinalco said it was unaware of US commercial espionage allegations. “Chinalco is a very responsible firm in these matters,” it said. Spokespeople for Baosteel and SNPTC were not immediately available yesterday, the last day of a week-long holiday. 中铝表示,它不知道美方的商业间谍指控。“中铝公司在这些问题上是一家非常负责任的公司,”它说。昨日是中国黄金周假期的最后一天,记者联系不上宝钢和中国国家核电技术公司的发言人。

The US has several sanctions options, from travel bans on executives to requiring US banks to freeze assets. 美国有几个制裁方案,从针对高管的旅行禁令,到要求美国的银行冻结资产。

The fresh claims come as Beijing tries to allay US concerns about economic cyber espionage. Last month, during his first state visit to the US, president Xi Jinping promised China would not engage in commercial cyber spying. 最新说法出现之际,北京方面正试图安抚美国对经济网络间谍活动的担忧。上月,中国国家主席习近平在首次对美国进行国事访问期间承诺,中国不会从事商业性的网络间谍活动。(上图为习近平访美期间会晤奥巴马)

President Barack Obama issued an executive order in April allowing for the first sanctions based on cyber attacks that threaten the US economy or national security. The increased willingness to punish such attacks comes amid an alarming rise in hacks, with the FBI attributing a 53 per cent jump in cyber economic espionage cases to China. 巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)在4月份颁布行政命令,首次授权对威胁美国经济和国家安全的网络攻击进行制裁。美国方面惩罚此类攻击的决心越来越强烈的背景是,黑客攻击事件增长惊人,联邦调查局(FBI)认定网络经济间谍案件数量增长53%要归罪于中国。

Officials say many Chinese companies rely on stealing information from US companies to help sell goods more cheaply, produce products more quickly or accelerate innovation. 官员们表示,许多中国企业依赖于从美国企业那里窃取信息,以便更便宜地销售产品,更迅速地生产出产品,或者加快创新。

The victims named in the PLA hack were Westinghouse Electric, US subsidiaries of SolarWorld 在中国军官黑客攻击案件中,被点名的受害者是西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric)、太阳能世界(SolarWorld)在美国的子公司、美国钢铁(US Steel)、阿勒格尼技术(Allegheny Technologies)和美国铝业(Alcoa),还有一个钢铁和制造业工会。


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