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电导、盐度和温度测量仪使用注意事项翻译英文版The conductivity-salinity-temperature measuring instrument



1、 接线错误,会导致传感器工作不正常! Wrong wiring may cause abnormal sensor running!

2、螺纹口及以上部位,必须与被测溶液完全隔离。 Thread mouth and the parts above must be completely isolated with the tested solutions.

3、为确保仪器测量准确,建议传感器周围保留20mm空间,传感器圆环要浸入溶液中,避免其他物质靠近感应区域。 In order to guarantee accurate instrument measurement, 20mm space is suggested to keep near the sensor. The sensor ring shall be immersed into the solution avoiding other materials near the induction area.

4、安装时感应区域圆孔朝上或倾斜朝上,可以避免偶尔的空气气泡。将传感器悬浮在溶液中防止接触容器(如仅简单地随意将它放入容器中会导致测量误差),且测量过程中应保持探头的静止;The round hole at induction area shall be laid upwards or leaned upwards during installation, which may avoid casual air bubble. Suspend the sensor in the solution to prevent touching the container (measuring error may appear if put it into the container at will), and keep the probe still during the measuring process.

5、 测试盐度最好工作温度-2-35℃。The most proper working temperature to test salinity is -2-35℃.

6、因温度补偿内置,所以测试盐度和温度时,需要静止一段时间待温度稳定后,再读取数值。 Values of salinity and temperature shall be read after keeping still for a while and temperature becomes stable due to built-in temperature compensation.

7、安装时,不要通过旋转扭动传感器的“环型”末端来紧固连接,这会导致传感器壳体破碎。Do not rotate or twist the sensor ring end to fasten connection during the installation process, which may cause the sensor shell to break.

8、不要将探头穿过任何带有交流或直流电的管道。电信号可能会干扰传感器信号。Do not pass the probe through any pipe with AC or DC power supply. Electric signal may possibly interfere sensor signal.



