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38日,全市重点大项目巡礼聚焦城阳夏庄街道联东U·夏庄智造园项目。On March 8th, the city's key large-scale project tour focused on the Liandong U Valley•Xia Zhuangzhi Garden Project in Chengyang Xiazhuang Street.

2018年,青岛城阳区率先打响山东头一炮,积极推进阳光城阳工业经济发展战略,首个工业上楼项目——联东U·夏庄智造园项目落地城阳。In 2018, Qingdao Chengyang District took the lead in launching Shandong's “first shot” and actively promoted the “Sunshine Chengyang” industrial economic development strategy. The first “industrial upstairs” project – the Liandong U Valley • Xia Zhuangzhi Garden Project landed in Chengyang .

联东U·夏庄智造园,是城阳区在山东省出台《加快高层工业楼宇经济发展的实施意见》的政策指导下,积极探索创新新旧动能转换方式,实践产业升级的重要项目。首个开工建设的工业楼宇项目,总投资约6亿元,项目规划总建筑面积约15万平方米,建设内容包括标准厂房、定制厂房、配套设施等业态,预计投产后能够实现产值约10亿元,实现利润达到6千万以上。Liandong U Valley•Xia Zhuangzhi Garden is the important project of Chengyang District under the policy guidance of “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Economic Development of High-rise Industrial Buildings” in Shandong Province. It actively explores innovative new and old kinetic energy conversion methods and practices important projects for industrial upgrading. The first industrial building project started construction, with a total investment of about 600 million yuan. The total planned construction area of the project is about 150,000 square meters. The construction includes standard factory buildings, customized factories and supporting facilities. It is expected to achieve an output value of about 1 billion after the project is put into production. Yuan, the profit reached more than 60 million.

目前,产业园示范区在建的八栋楼全部封顶,预计今年年底投入使用。整体园区在2020年底至2021年初实现全部投产。At present, all eight buildings under construction in the Industrial Park Demonstration Zone are capped and are expected to be put into use by the end of this year. The overall park will be fully operational from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021.


