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青岛梅花节下周一启幕 200多种梅花陆续开放


On March 18th, the 21st China·Qingdao Plum Blossom Festival will be opened at Qingdao Meiyuan in Shimei Park. Due to the high temperature this spring, the plum blossom period is one week earlier than in previous years. At present, the plum blossoms in Qingdao Meiyuan have been opened one after another, and the most beautiful flower viewing period is coming soon.
Yesterday morning, the reporter came to Qingdao Meiyuan, located in Shimei, and the spring breeze blew, and there was plum blossoms, plum blossoms or powder or white. The tourists shuttled through them and took photos with them from time to time. Zhang Shuzhen, chief engineer of Meiyuan, told the reporter that after more than 20 years of construction and cultivation, there are more than 200 plum varieties, more than 20,000 plants and more than 2,000 pots of bonsai. The main ornamental species in Meiyuan include “Mengfenghou”, “Yishanbai”, “Green Dragonfly”, “Chusha”, “Jiangmei” and “Beauty Plum”. The theme of this year's Plum Blossom Festival is “Mei Hao Li Wei Meets Early Spring”, with a 31-day ticket and 40 yuan tickets, and strives to convey the concept of leisure and natural life.


