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发布者:青岛希尼尔翻译公司      发布时间:2019-05-23



1 豪宅已经很多,名宅卓尔不群With luxurious mansions, renowned houses are remarkable.


2 魅力青岛,百年风华 Charming Qingdao with centurial elegance.


3 三十而立,青岛迎来主流时代Qingdao now ushers in the main stream age.


4 市南浮山 ,气度初陈Mt. Fushan now forms its bearing.


5 香港中路5分钟生活圈,


Many people admire five-minute residential community, but a few own it.


6 霓虹与绿树间,舞台华彩布景

Among neon lights and green trees, the stage is well decorated.


7 才思墨香,醇厚悠长Wisdom and writing keep long and glorious.


8 仁者乐山,只为那一抹葱茏的绿意 Talents always love green mountains.


9 理想国,不是乌托邦Ideal state without Utopia.


10 财富之上,影响有影响力的人Fortune impacts the influential.


11界不同,视野不同Different boundary for different view,

境不同,梦想不同 Different realm for different dream.


12身心无界,方为上流境界 Body and mind without boundary is the top state.


13让眼神、指尖和家人去品鉴Let your eyes, finger tips and family appreciate.



感动你的一定是思想 Appearance may attract you, but thought affects you.


15城市的灵魂,沉淀于建筑的气度City’s soul settles buildings’ bearing.


16胸怀,比视野更宽广Bosom is wider than view.


17回家的路,常常迷失在花廊里Lost in flower passage on the way home.


18阳光,在记忆的窗边流淌Sunshine flows along the memory.


19从容淡定中,优雅在岁月指尖舞动With ease and calm, grace remains for long.


20海纳百川,信念比时间更值得铭记 Belief is always more precious than time.


21巨匠之作  国际大师精纯心智 Masterpiece with world masters' wisdom.


22、三十而立,青岛迎来主流时代Qingdao now ushers in the main stream age.


23、城市·臻藏 City·Treasure


24、上品·主流 Top quality·Main stream


25、宽景·巨著 Wide scene·Classic work


26、山海·开卷 Mountain & Sea·Feast to eyes



