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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-05


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月5日了解到:朝鲜称美国必须结束他的“核讹诈”并且回应平壤最近关于正式结束为期数十年的朝鲜半岛冲突的外交提议。冲突于1953年结束,但却并没有制定出和平协约,因此留给朝鲜和韩国的严格来说依然是战争。North Korea says the United States needs to end its "nuclear blackmail" and respond to Pyongyang’s recent diplomatic overture to formally end the decades-old Korean conflict. Fighting ended in 1953 without a peace treaty, leaving North and South Korea still technically still at war.

Speaking during an interview Tuesday in London with Associated Press Television News, senior North Korean Foreign Ministry official Jong Tong Hak said a permanent peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula first requires a North Korean-U.S. agreement.

周二,在伦敦,朝鲜外交部高级官员Jong Tong Hak在接受美联社电视新闻署的采访中说一份关于朝鲜半岛的永久性和平协议首先需要一份朝鲜与美国的共识协议。

Discussing Pyongyang’s view of the root cause of tensions, he blamed the "successive hostile policy by the government of the United States and its continuing nuclear blackmail against the DPRK," the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea.


"The American administration continues to send its nuclear powered aircraft carrier to the Korean Peninsula and meantime it continues to send nuclear strategic bombers to the Korean Peninsula,’" he said. "And the United States of America continues to wage war exercises against the DPRK with the South Korean side."


Jong said a compromise to break the impasses requires decisive action by Washington.


"The issue of signing a peace treaty between the DPRK and United States can be easily solved by the bold decision of the American government," he said. "If the American government is serious about respecting the sovereignty of the DPRK and ending its ongoing hostile policy against the DPRK then it can be solved very easily between the two sides."


Last month, Sung Kim, U.S. special representative for North Korea policy, described Pyongyang’s latest proposal for treaty negotiations as "disingenuous."

上个月,美国朝鲜政策特别代表Sung Kim把平壤方面最新的对协议协商的建议描述为“不真诚的”。

The two sides’ positions are so deeply at odds that it can seem like a chicken-or-egg situation.


Washington’s position — which is in line with ally Seoul — is that it is only open to talks on easing sanctions if the North makes it clear it is willing to negotiate an end to its nuclear program, stop developing long-range missiles that could reach foreign targets and live up to other international agreements.


Pyongyang, for is part, maintains that it must have a deterrent to counter the threat of a U.S. attack — nuclear or otherwise.


The U.S. Congress, meanwhile, is mulling whether the North should be designated a state sponsor of terrorism. That designation was lifted in 2008 during negotiations on its nuclear program that stalled soon after. Among the allegations was that North Korean-supplied rockets had been used against Israel by fighters from the militant group Hamas.


North Korea likes to point out that the U.S. has 28,500 troops stationed in South Korea. There are no foreign military bases in North Korea.




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