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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2015-11-30


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2015年11月30日了解到:俄罗斯宣布对土耳其实施经济制裁方案,以报复土耳其星期二在叙利亚边界击落俄罗斯战机。Russia has announced a package of economic sanctions against Turkey over the shooting down of a Russian jet on the Syrian border on Tuesday.
  A decree signed by President Vladimir Putin (in Russian) covers imports from Turkey, the work of Turkish companies in Russia and any Turkish nationals working for Russian companies.
  The decree also calls for an end to charter flights between the countries.
  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to apologise to Russia.
  On Friday, he accused Moscow of "playing with fire" in its Syria operations. But on Saturday, he said he was "saddened" by the downing of the jet.
  Turkey and Russia have important economic links. Russia is Turkey’s second-largest trading partner, while more than three million Russian tourists visited Turkey last year.
  Mr Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Saturday that there were close to 90,000 Turkish nationals working in Russia. Taking family members into account, that figure rises to 200,000, he said.
  普京的发言人Dmitry Peskov周六表示,有近九万名土耳其人在俄罗斯工作,如果把家属算上,这一数据将上升到二十万。
  The decree also urges Russian tour operators to refrain from selling packages to Turkey, while Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has warned its citizens against non-essential travel to Russia "until the situation becomes clear"
  How sanctions might affect Moscow shoppers
  In fact, shoppers have already been affected.
  Earlier this week, Russia’s agriculture minister said that around 15% of Turkish produce did not meet Russian safety standards. Some imports were blocked, and trucks stranded at borders.
  The new sanctions will mean some imports will be stopped - but it is not yet clear.
  Turkey has exported food and agricultural produce worth over 1bn Euros (702m pounds) to Russia already this year, and Russia says 20% of its vegetable imports come from Turkey.
  Turkey’s Anadolu Agency says exports of leather, textiles and clothes to Russia were worth more than 1.52bn dollars (1bn pounds) last year.
  土耳其阿纳多卢代理商称,去年,出口到俄罗斯的皮革,纺织品和服装价值超过了十五亿两千万美元(十亿英镑)。 来源:BBC



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