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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-01-03


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年1月3日了解到:China’s government is promising “jobs for the boys” after ordering state-owned enterprises to employ some of the 300,000 soldiers who are being laid off as part of an ambitious modernisation of the world’s biggest army. 中国政府正承诺“为孩子们解决工作”,命令国企雇佣30万被裁撤军人的一部分。中国有着世界上最大的军队,裁军30万是志在帮助这支军队实现现代化。

Beijing has told SOEs to reserve 5 per cent of their total recruitment for those who have left the People’s Liberation Army, according to a report by Xinhua, the state news agency. 据官方通讯社新华社报道,中国政府要求国有企业在新招录职工时应拿出5%的工作岗位,提供给退役士兵。

The move comes after senior PLA officers raised concerns that the lay-offs, which were announced by President Xi Jinping during a high-profile military parade in September, could provoke social instability. 此前,中国人民解放军的一些高级军官对被裁撤人员可能给社会带来不稳定表达了担忧。裁军计划是中国国家主席习近平在今年9月举行的一次高调阅兵中宣布的。

Cutting 300,000 of the PLA’s 2.3m soldiers is one element in a reform package designed to turn it from a mass mobilisation, mostly land-based army into a more professional military, with separate commands for naval, air and strategic rocket forces. 把230万军人裁掉30万,是中国军队改革计划的一部分。这项计划的目标是,将中国军队从一支大规模动员、以陆军为主的军事力量转变为一支更专业化的军队,为海军、空军和第二炮兵部队设立独立的指挥部。

But analysts say that forcing SOEs to take up the slack risks undermining President Xi’s push for state companies to become more efficient, and underlines the difficulties he faces in trying to force through reforms of everything from the economy to the military. 但分析人士表示,强令国企为裁军善后可能会破坏习近平推动国企增效的努力,此举还凸显出习近平在强力推动从经济到军队的全方位改革时面临的困难。

“The SOEs are meant to become more profit-oriented so they have been trying not to hire those without a professional background,” said Arthur Ding, an expert on China’s military at Taiwan’s National Chengchi University. “If this is a mission from Xi Jinping, no doubt they will follow orders. But it will definitely hurt the SOEs’ profitability and internal management.” “国企打算变得更加以盈利为导向,所以它们一直在努力避免雇佣那些没有专业背景的人,”台湾国立政治大学(National Chengchi University)中国军事问题专家丁树范(Arthur Ding)说,“如果这是习近平下达的任务,那么国企无疑会照办。但这必将损害国企的盈利能力和内部管理。”

With more government investment, China’s military has become much better equipped in recent years, acquiring the latest weapons systems including submarines, fighters and the nation’s first aircraft carrier. 由于政府加大了军事投资,中国军队近些年来的装备水平远胜以往,采购了最新的武器系统,包括包括潜艇、战斗机和中国首艘航母。

But while the arrival of new hardware has been welcomed, there is disquiet in the ranks over the proposed cutbacks, which could affect everyone from lowly foot-soldiers to generals.

Mr Ding said that resistance was inevitable given the scale of the proposed changes. 尽管军方对新装备的到来表示欢迎,但裁军计划却在部队里引发了不安。裁军可能会影响到所有人,从大头兵到将军。

The career prospects for remaining soldiers are likely to be affected as well as departments are merged or downgraded and the total number of openings for generals and other senior officers may shrink. 丁树范说,鉴于军队改革计划的规模之大,遇到阻力是不可避免的。

He said there was particular concern among China’s political commissars, who fear the traditional dual-head system, where they jointly lead units with the military commander, could be scrapped in favour of a more conventional structure with just one person in charge. 随着相关部门遭合并或降级,未被裁撤的军人的职业前景很可能也会受到影响,将军和其他高级军官岗位的数量可能会减少。

Li Liguo, the minister of civil affairs, said that “the settlement of the demobilised soldiers matters to defence and military building as well as social harmony and stability”. 丁树范说,中国军队里的政委们尤其感到担忧,他们担心传统的双首长制可能被撤销,代之以更为常见的“一人负责”架构。在双首长制下,政委与军事指挥官共同领导手下的部队。

According to a document released by his ministry and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, “all state-owned companies have the responsibility and obligation to accept and settle veterans”. 中国民政部部长李立国表示,“退役士兵接收安置工作关系国防和军队建设大局,关系社会和谐稳定”。

The document added that “companies directly under the central government should take the lead and guide other companies to implement”. 中国民政部以及国务院国资委发布的一份文件显示,“国有企业均有接收安置退役士兵的责任和义务”。




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