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青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-03-06


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年3月6日了解到:The US and Japan should set up new military headquarters for missions to defend Okinawa and other islands as part of a broad revamp of their alliance, according to a group of top foreign policy experts from both countries.


Japanese officers should be embedded with a US task force headquarters for “First Island Chain missions” — the name strategists give to the string of islands running south-west from Japan’s mainland — with Japan setting up a similar command on the same base.

专家表示,为“第一岛链任务”设置的美国特遣部队指挥部应该嵌入日本军官,日方在同一个基地设立类似的指挥部。所谓第一岛链(First Island Chain),是战略家为从日本本土向西南方向延伸的一系列岛屿所起的名字。

Such a headquarters could further embroil the US with the disputed Senkaku Islands, a chain in the East China Sea controlled by Japan but claimed by China as the Diaoyu, where there are regular stand-offs between ships and aircraft from the two Asian countries.

这样的指挥部可能会令美国进一步卷入有争议的尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands)问题。尖阁诸岛是位于东中国海的一个岛群,由日本控制,但中国声称拥有其主权并称其为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿。目前中日这两个亚洲国家的舰船和飞机时常在这个岛群附近发生对峙。

The report by a group including Richard Armitage, the former US deputy secretary of state, and Ryozo Kato, the former Japanese ambassador to Washington, indicates how China’s rise is pulling foreign policy establishments in Tokyo and Washington closer together.

该报告由包括美国前副国务卿理查德阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)和日本前驻美大使加藤良三(Ryozo Kato)在内的一个小组写成。它表明中国的崛起正在促使东京和华盛顿的外交政策体制内人士相互靠拢。

It comes as Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, has railed against the alliance as an unfair burden on the US.

该报告发布之际,共和党总统参选人唐纳德礠朗普(Donald Trump)抱怨日美同盟关系是对美国十分不公的一大负担。

“The implication that somehow Japan got a better deal in the US-Japan alliance is crazy,” said John Hamre, president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and an author of the report, calling it a “foundational relationship” for both countries.

报告作者之一、华盛顿战略与国际问题研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies,CSIS)总裁约翰哈姆雷(John Hamre)表示:“有关日本在某种程度上从美日同盟得到更多好处的暗示是疯话。”他称这一同盟关系对美日两国都是“基础性的关系”。

Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, has put particular weight on improving relations with the US and, with its “pivot to Asia”, the Obama administration has generally reciprocated.

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)尤其重视改善日美关系,而通过“转向亚洲”战略,奥巴马政府也已从总体上回应了这一动作。

The report, written for CSIS and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Japan, says the next 15 years will be “one of the most testing times in the entire history of the alliance”. It says China’s rise will be the “primary geopolitical test” and the alliance should be strengthened to deal with “grey zone” coercion by China, such as its building of artificial islands in the South China Sea.

为CSIS和日本笹川平和财团(Sasakawa Peace Foundation)所写的这份报告表示,今后15年将是“美日同盟整个历史上面临最大考验的时期之一”。该报告表示,中国的崛起将是“主要的地缘政治考验”,应该加强美日同盟,以应对中国的“灰色地带”胁迫行为——比如在南中国海修建人造岛屿。

“The baseline of this report is China will be more powerful and a bit more aggressive,” said Noboru Yamaguchi, a retired lieutenant-general in the Ground Self-Defence Force, and another author of the report.

日本陆上自卫队(Ground Self-Defence Force)已退役陆军中将、该报告另一位作者山口升(Noboru Yamaguchi)表示:“该报告的基线是中国将更加强大,也会更加咄咄逼人一些。”

It calls for more co-ordination on everything from cyber security to relations with Russia; updated command and control mechanisms; and greater interoperability between Japanese and US forces.


The group also says the countries should speed up the relocation of US forces on the island of Okinawa and return some land occupied by US bases to Japan as early as possible.


“It is a simple military fact that the combined economic, military and technical capability of Japan and the US together is greater than that of China,” said Dennis Blair, chairman of Sasakawa USA and a former commander of the US Pacific fleet. With action to maintain that advantage, “conflict in this part of the world will not happen”, he said.

笹川美国(Sasakawa USA)基金会主席、美国太平洋舰队前总司令丹尼斯布莱尔(Dennis Blair)表示:“日本和美国联合起来的经济、军事和技术实力大于中国是一个简单的军事事实。”他说,通过采取行动保持这一优势,“世界的这一地区将不会发生冲突”。



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