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双语新闻:经济学家飞机上算微积分 被疑为恐怖分子

青岛希尼尔翻译咨询有限公司(www.sinosenior.com)整理发布  2016-05-12


青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com)2016年5月12日了解到:Guido Menzio is a highly respected Ivy League economist and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, but on a plane he looked like a terrorist to another passenger on a flight from Philadelphia to Syracuse.


The short 45-minute flight was delayed a few hours after Menzio didn’t engage in small talk with a female seatmate on board the flight and she became suspicious. Instead of idle chit chat, Menzio worked on a math equation for a speech he was due to give after landing in Syracuse.


The economist has olive skin, curly dark hair and an intriguing foreign accent from his native country of Italy. The woman asked Menzio if he was from Syracuse, as this is where the American Airlines flight was headed once it got off the runway. Menzio simply said “no” and continued with his fixation on the equation as the woman continued to try and strike up a conversation with the 40-year-old professor.


Before the plane got off the runway, the 30-something blond-haired woman wearing flip-flops and carrying a red duffle bag called the flight attendant over to her and said was sick. She then handed the attendant a note, reports MSN News on May 8. The plane turned around and went back to the gate and the woman was taken off the plane. After that the pilot made his way to the back of the plane and asked Menzio if he would come with him to talk.

据MSN 5月8日报道,就在飞机将起飞前,这位30多岁、穿人字拖、带红色行李包的金发女士叫来空乘人员,说她感到不舒服。之后她又给空乘人员传了一张纸条。接着,航班不得不回到机场的登机口处,女士被带下飞机。然后,飞行员朝后面的门齐奥教授走来,问他是否愿意谈一谈。

Menzio was taken off the plane and an agent was there to speak with him. He was told that the woman who had been sitting next to him thought that he was a terrorist and reported that he had been writing down another language, possibly Arabic. Menzio explained that “other language” was a math equation for his speech in Syracuse. After a little bit of questioning, Menzio got back on the flight and although they had a two hour delay, the flight made it to Syracuse. The woman had opted to take another flight.


Menzio said he was treated kindly, but he believes this is the type of mindset people like Donald Trump are promoting. He suggested that this profiling has its core in the “rising xenophobia” seen in the campaign today.

门齐奥表示自己并未受到严酷待遇,不过他说,特朗普式的美国估计就会是这样的吧。他认为,在当今大选的“排外情绪”正在抬头的时候,这种情况正是其核心所在。来源:Daily Mail




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