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唱标一览表Schedule of Bid Announcement
Bidder’s Name:
Tender No.:
S/N 投 标 报 价 项 目 明 细
Detailed Itemized Quotation
1 名称: (注明项目名称)
Name: (specify the item name)
2 设备费(小写): 万元
Equipment cost (in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
3 设计费(小写): 万元
Design fee (in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
4 安装费(小写): 万元
Installation fee (in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
5 备品备件费(小写): 万元
Cost of spare parts (in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
6 其它费用(如培训等)(小写): 万元
Other costs (e.g. training cost, etc.) (in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
7 投标总报价(大写): (小写): 万元
Total bid price (in words):
(in numbers): ten thousand Yuan
8 付款方式:(根据对招标文件的响应情况,只填满足或偏离)
Terms of payment: (satisfied or deviated according to the response to the tender document)
9 交货期:合同生效后 个月
Delivery period: months after this contract becomes effective
10 售后服务:出现质量问题接到买方通知后到达现场的时间 小时
After-sales service: arrive at the site within hours upon receipt of the buyer’s notice of any quality problem
11 质保体系认证: (如有请填写名称,若没有请填“无”)
Quality assurance system certification: (if any, fill out the name; otherwise, fill in “none”)
12 设计使用寿命:正常使用条件下 年
Design life: years under normal use conditions
13 近三年同类设备销售业绩(不少于三家):须单独附表
Sales performance of similar equipment in the last three years (at least three buyers): to be specified in a separate form

Bidder’s Representative (signature):
投标单位 (盖章):
Bidder (seal):

Note: Please carefully fill out this form and separately seal it together with other forms in this Chapter for bid announcement (quotations in foreign currency can be converted to RMB quotations accordingly).